Our Services
- Preparation of corporate tax returns
- Preparation of individual tax returns
- Tax planning
- Tax clearance certificates
- Tax directives
- Value-added tax
- Pay as you earn & Unemployment insurance funds
- Skills development levies
- Dividend tax
- Estate duty
- Donations tax
Financial Accounting
- Preparation of Annual Financial Statements in terms of GAAP, IFRS for SME and IFRS.
- Preparation and compilation of accounting records
- Preparation and submission of SARS administration (PAYE & UIF, VAT, STC etc)
- Outsourcing of payroll function up to EMP201
- Bi-Annual PAYE reconciliations
- Monthly bookkeeping
- Management reports
- Cash-flow forecasts
- Budget preparation
- Initial set-up of accounting system
- Pastel accounting training (outsourced)
- Evaluation of Internal control and recommendations
Fenns Incorporated is registered with the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) and we specialise in providing independant external opinions to Small to Medium enterprises on various assurance engagements such as Audit of Annual Financial Statements and general assurance engagements.
- Financial management advice
- BBBEE consulting
- Mergers, acquisitions and the selling of businesses
- Evaluations
- Corporate structuring
- Company law
- Tax consulting
Registrations and Statutory
We offer a wide range of secretarial services from registrations to amendments and conversions. Please see attached service menu for information.
Contact us today for more information or to book an appointment